Digital Storytelling

In the fast-paced digital era, the concept of storytelling has evolved dramatically. Brands, big and small, are riding the wave of online messaging and video content, ushering in a new era of digital storytelling. But with this surge comes a challenge: the overwhelming abundance of visual content. The truth we once held dear—that content is king—is now obsolete.

Digital Storytelling

Digital Storytelling: More Than Just Content

Imagine the first night of 'The Bachelor': a sea of similar faces, all vying for attention. That's the current state of digital content. Simply looking beautiful isn't enough; your content needs to be engaging, it needs to stand out. This is especially evident in events like the 2018 Super Bowl, where even the most expensive ads fell flat, proving that even big budgets can't guarantee impactful content.

So, what's the secret to elevating your digital content, regardless of your budget? The answer is simple yet profound: storytelling. But it's not just any storytelling; it's about honing in on the feelings evoked by your product or service. It's about asking, "What does this feature make people feel?" and then crafting a story around that emotion.

Apple, a pioneer in this approach, showcased this brilliantly in a holiday video about the iPhone. Rather than focusing on the product's features or price, they zoomed in on the emotional experience of using the iPhone. This approach, focusing on one story, one family, rather than a montage of soundbites, is what sets content apart.

This method isn't just for holidays; it's a year-round strategy. It's about creating content that resonates on a deeper level, content that focuses on the emotions and experiences your product promises, rather than just the features.

The digital age has revolutionized storytelling, moving it beyond the traditional campfire setting. In a world where content alone is no longer the reigning king, focusing on the feelings and stories behind your products is what will set your brand apart. So, keep creating, keep storytelling, and remember: it's the emotion that makes your content king.


Overcoming the Reluctant Storyteller


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