Hall has become the go-to expert for storytelling in business and beyond.
She is the best-selling author of Stories that Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business.
Stories that Stick—How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business:
Stories that Stick debuted at #2 Wall Street Journal bestseller list and as a USA Today, Washington Post and Publishers Weekly best seller. Forbes said Stories that Stick “may be the most valuable business book you read.” In the book, Hall presents storytelling as the underutilized talent that separates the good from the best in business. She offers specific, actionable steps readers can take to find, craft, and leverage the stories they already have and simply aren’t telling. Stories that Stick is currently in its eighth printing and has been translated into 12 languages thus far.
The Story Edge: How Leaders Harness the Power of Stories to Win in Business
An unconventional approach to innovation, connection, and problem-solving in business that has no expiration date.
In an era of chaotic change and high-pressure decision-making, Hall—author of Stories That Stick—has a message that runs counter to much of the current management buzz and “of the moment” acumen. Succinctly: In today’s dynamic business environment, success requires leaders who have mastered the raw, connective, compelling, fundamentally human competitive edge of… storytelling.
Choose Your Story, Change Your Life
Silence Your Inner Critic and Rewrite Your Life from the Inside Out
If Stories that Stick proved the importance of the stories you tell in business, Choose Your Story, Change Your Life reveals the most powerful stories of all are the ones we tell ourselves. In this book, Hall walks readers through a 4-part process to take complete control of their self-stories and create the life they knew was possible but thought was just out of reach. Choose Your Story, Change Your Life offers a new window into human psychology, one that travels the distance from the frontiers of neuroscience to the deep inner workings of often undetected thoughts and feelings. This eye-opening but applicable journey will transform readers from passive listeners of these limiting, unconscious thoughts to the definitive author of who they are and of everything they want to become.