Great Leaders Bet on Storytelling, Not Manias

In an era where the allure of the latest business trends can be overwhelmingly tempting, there's an ancient art that remains the cornerstone of impactful leadership: storytelling. It may not carry the glitz of the newest technological innovation or the glamour of viral social media strategies, but storytelling holds the key to truly transformative leadership.

The essence of storytelling transcends mere entertainment; it is the bedrock upon which human connection and influence are built. This is evident when we examine the tapestry of history, where every notable leader across various spheres—be it business, politics, or religion—has been a master storyteller. These individuals harnessed the power of narrative to inspire, mobilize, and leave an indelible mark on their followers.

The Story Edge: A Lesson from Tulips

To underscore the significance of storytelling in leadership, let's delve into a captivating anecdote from the book The Story Edge. This story begins with a seemingly mundane day in the life of a sailor tasked with delivering precious goods. However, the day takes an unexpected turn, landing the sailor in prison for the simple act of consuming what he believed to be an onion, which was, in reality, a highly valuable tulip bulb.

This incident occurred during the height of the "Tulipmania" in 17th-century Holland, a period characterized by the frenzied speculation in tulip bulbs. This historical episode serves as a classic example of a financial bubble and highlights the human susceptibility to manias driven by speculation and greed.

The Relevance of Tulipmania to Modern Leadership

You might wonder, what does a centuries-old tulip craze have to do with contemporary leadership and storytelling? The connection lies in the inherent human tendency to get caught up in manias, whether they be harmless social challenges or speculative market bubbles that can lead to devastating consequences.

As leaders navigating the fast-paced and often unpredictable business landscape, it's easy to be swept up in the latest fads—be it the frenzy around emerging technologies like AI and blockchain or the rush towards digital transformation. However, history reminds us that many of these manias, while compelling, can lead to misguided decisions and lost opportunities.

Storytelling: The Antidote to FOMO-Driven Leadership

In the face of these challenges, storytelling emerges as a powerful tool for leaders. By focusing on crafting and sharing compelling narratives, leaders can foster deeper connections, build trust, and drive meaningful change. Storytelling is not just about communication; it's about creating a shared vision that resonates on a deeply human level.

This isn't to say that leaders should ignore trends or innovations. Rather, it's a call to prioritize the human element that underpins all successful leadership endeavors. In the rush to embrace the new and the now, it's crucial not to overlook the timeless principles that have defined effective leadership throughout history.

Investing in the Art of Storytelling

As we look to the future, the message is clear: investing time and resources in honing your storytelling skills is not just a nod to the past; it's a strategic move towards sustainable leadership. The ability to weave compelling narratives is more than a skill; it's a leadership imperative that can guide organizations through the complexities of modern business.

In conclusion, while the latest business trends may offer short-term gains, the art of storytelling offers a lasting impact. It's an investment in the very fabric of human connection and influence—a strategy that has stood the test of time and will continue to define the essence of transformative leadership. So, as you navigate the currents of change and innovation, remember the power of a well-told story and the profound influence it can wield in the realm of leadership.

Kindra Hall

Wall Street Journal bestselling author and Award-Winning Storyteller Kindra Hall, MA, told her first story in the spring of 1992.

Since that time, Hall has become the go-to expert for storytelling in business and beyond. She is the best-selling author of Stories that Stick, which debuted at #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List, and companies like Forbes and Gartner say it “may be the most valuable business book you read.” Kindra’s newest book, Choose Your Story, Change Your Life is one of the Next Big Idea Club’s top 10 happiness books.

Kindra is a sought-after keynote speaker trusted by global brands to deliver messages that inspire teams and individuals to better communicate the value of their company, their products and their individuality through strategic storytelling. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, young son and daughter.

More from Kindra:

Storytelling in Leadership: Not for the Birds


Pre-Order Now! The Story Edge book — Storytelling strategies for today’s leaders