Story Forward Leadership and the Role of Brutal Honesty

How to Empower Your Team to Handle the Tough Stuff Through Honest Storytelling

As a leader, managing a team comes with its share of challenges, not the least of which is dealing with the occasional complaint or whining from team members who find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of their roles. It’s a common scenario: someone claims, "This wasn’t in the job description," or bemoans the unpleasant aspects of their work. It’s not only frustrating but, perhaps surprisingly, it may also be partly your fault as a leader.

One of the most effective ways to set these expectations is through storytelling. Sharing stories of the "tough stuff" — the real, gritty parts of a job that are often left out of formal descriptions — can dramatically shift how team members perceive their roles.

For instance, if a job involves dealing with demanding customers, long hours, or frequent travel, these shouldn’t be glossed over. Instead, tell real-life stories of how these challenges have been faced and managed. Describe how you, or someone else in the organization, navigated these hurdles. Did they have to work through nights to meet a deadline? Or perhaps they found themselves regularly dealing with a particularly challenging client? Share these stories openly.

Cultivating a Culture of Openness

By sharing the tough parts of the job openly, you not only set the stage for fewer complaints, but you also foster a culture of resilience and openness. Team members are less likely to whine about challenges if they feel prepared for them and supported through them. Ultimately, no leader enjoys dealing with complaints born of surprise and frustration. By integrating storytelling into your leadership approach, you help build a team that’s not only more content but also more competent and confident in facing whatever challenges come their way. This is the essence of strong leadership: not just directing, but empowering others with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed and grow.

Kindra Hall

Wall Street Journal bestselling author and Award-Winning Storyteller Kindra Hall, MA, told her first story in the spring of 1992.

Since that time, Hall has become the go-to expert for storytelling in business and beyond. She is the best-selling author of Stories that Stick, which debuted at #2 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List, and companies like Forbes and Gartner say it “may be the most valuable business book you read.” Kindra’s newest book, Choose Your Story, Change Your Life is one of the Next Big Idea Club’s top 10 happiness books.

Kindra is a sought-after keynote speaker trusted by global brands to deliver messages that inspire teams and individuals to better communicate the value of their company, their products and their individuality through strategic storytelling. She lives in Manhattan with her husband, young son and daughter.

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Story Forward Leadership: The “But First, Story” Approach