The Storytelling Sales Pitch in an Elevator

Ah, the dreaded sales pitch.

Or, to raise the stakes even higher, the elevator pitch.If you only have a tiny amount of time (like the ride from one floor to another) to make a big impression, what do you say to make the most of it?

It's a conundrum that has been baffling both entrepreneurs and corporate ladder climbers since the beginning of time (or at least the beginning of elevators). Fortunately, I have your answer. I was actually on the receiving end of the most epic elevator pitch ever. I almost lost a limb wanting to hear more. What was so incredible about it? I bet you can guess...

It wasn't a pitch at all. It was storytelling.

This quick video will show you how a storytelling sales pitch is what you should strive for.

(Read the article The Secret to an Irresistible Elevator Pitch in 4 Steps at

The Storytelling Sales Pitch in an Elevator | Storytelling Tips

Don't Cut the Business Story Details


How Storytelling Helps Resonate with your Audience in 30 Seconds